Privacy Policy

General Question

RVR Group and its group companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as “RVR”) believe that it is RVR’s material social responsibility to appropriately manage and protect any personal information, including but not limited to that of customers and suppliers, which RVR treats in the course of its business (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Information”). Based on this belief, in order to keep the society’s confidence, RVR promises to treat Personal Information in accordance with the following policy.

How we handle your personal data

RVR takes personal privacy and the protection of integrity seriously. Representatives of RVR’s customers, suppliers and other stakeholders such as partners or students who are in contact with RVR (Partner) shall feel confident that RVR respects their privacy and adheres to applicable laws and regulations when collecting and processing information that may be used to identify a person (Personal Data). The information provided in this document applies if RVR has not communicated otherwise at the time of the collection of the Personal Data.

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

RVR will not provide or disclose personal information to any third party without the consent of the individual, except in the following cases:

  1. When required by law
  2. When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
  3. When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy upbringing of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual concerned
  4. When it is necessary to cooperate with the national or local government in conducting public affairs, and obtaining the consent of the individual is likely to interfere with the conduct of those affairs.

RVR will not disclose a Partner’s Personal Data to third parties if it is not required in order to fulfill a purpose listed above. Any transfer of Personal Data to a third party inside the EU/EEA will only take place if the recipient is compliant with RVR’s internal rules which governs the protection of Personal Data. Any transfer of Personal Data to a third party outside the EU/EEA will be based on the EU model clauses or similar constructions such as binding corporate rules.

What personal information we collect

RVR can collect Personal Data directly from a Partner who meets with RVR personnel, visits RVR’s websites, opens newsletters, downloads RVR materials, or uses RVR’s products or services. 
RVR collects and processes Personal Data of Partners for the following purposes: 

  1. Carrying out RVR’s obligations under, or when entering into, a contractual relationship between RVR and a Partner. 
  2. Facilitating effective communication and relationships between RVR and the Partner (Customer Relationship Management). 
  3. Managing enquiries or other requests regarding RVR’s products and services. 
  4. Ensuring compliance with legal obligations and for the enforcement of contractual agreements. 
  5. Managing the security of RVR’s products, services, intellectual property rights and other offerings. 
  6. Analyzing sales data and how  a Partner interacts with RVR’s products and services in order to improve the user experience and content of such products and services. 
  7. Marketing, surveys and communication. 
  8. Enabling users with passwords to re-enter certain web pages without having to re-type previously typed information through the use of cookies. 
  9. Compiling  statistics related to patterns and trends of browsing on RVR web pages or use of other applications or software. 

Your rights

When processing of Personal Data is based on consent, a Partner may at any time withdraw its given consent provided that the withdrawal of the consent does not affect the lawfulness of the previous processing, or when there are other legal grounds for the processing. 
A Partner may, under applicable data protection law, have the right to: (i) receive information on which Personal Data relating to the Partner RVR processes;  (ii) receive access to such data and, if necessary, have it changed so it is correct; (iii) have the Personal Data relating to the Partner deleted; (iv) restrict RVR from processing, or limit the way RVR may process, the Partner’s Personal Data; (v) obtain from RVR a copy of the Personal Data provided by the Partner, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.

Update Question

RVR will observe any laws, regulations and other standards related to Personal Information. In addition, RVR will ensure that its internal management system for Personal Information is in compliance with these laws, regulations and other standards.

Disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc.

If you wish to request disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, or suspension of use of your personal information in relation to retained personal information, RVR will respond to your request within a reasonable period of time and to a reasonable extent after confirming the identity of the person making the request. Please note that if RVR Group suspends the use of all or part of the personal information, it may be unable to provide services that meet your request.

Contact information

If you have any questions about this policy, you are welcome to contact us by using the information below. You also have the right to contact or lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority.

RVR Data Officer

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