Wind power

As one of the world’s leading rolling bearing manufacturers and a development partner in this field, we have been producing bearing brackets for wind turbines for many years. We provide the correct bearing solution for each wind turbine and provide a comprehensive concept of safety.

Rotor shaft bearing brackets are vital in wind turbines. This is where all the forces caused by the wind act. Rolling bearings are subject to high dynamic loads and operating conditions. We work with our customers to develop the most effective bearing support for each situation. The increase in megawatt-level rated power requires larger gearboxes and greater capacity. The operating conditions of rolling bearings in wind turbine gearboxes cannot be compared with rolling bearings in industrial gearboxes.

The generators in wind turbines are subject to high vibration loads. This additional permanent load negatively affects the cage and creates strain on the lubricant. Wind turbines must be optimally aligned with the wind direction to prevent extreme loads and allow cost-effective operation. Thanks to the active system with azimuth drive and gearbox, the wind turbine automatically adjusts.

Our experts work closely with wind turbine developers, manufacturers and operators. State-of-the-art calculations and simulation programs ensure optimal design of bearings for wind energy applications. From a single rolling bearing and its components, adjacent structures to the entire power transmission system, the entire system has been considered. The system uses an internally developed multi-body simulation program for display and optimization.

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